The Process of Proving That You Are The Father
“People ask me what I’d most appreciate getting for my 87th birthday.
I tell them, a paternity suit.”
– George Burns
Married couples are afforded the presumption of biological parenthood according to state law, so their legal rights are available at the birth of their children. For a man who suspects he may have fecundated a pregnancy outside of a marriage relationship, determining paternity could require significant effort.
Establishing Paternity
For a putative father to prove legal and biological fatherhood outside marriage, he will need to take legal steps to protect his child and himself. Establishing paternity is simply the process the father will need to walk through. By proving biological fatherhood, establishment of paternity makes him the legal father as well.
This process is can either happen via a mutually agreed upon and signed legal affidavit or via DNA testing and court proceedings. In the former method, the father and mother can sign the voluntary affidavit in one of two places:
- Delivery Hospital (up to 72 hours)
- Local Health Department (after 72 hours and up to the child’s 18th birthday)
Fathers can consult a trusted paternity attorney to help walk them through this exercise to ensure the affidavit us legally signed and processed.
DNA Testing
Fathers could need help arranging for legal DNA testing as well. In order to make sure the assessment is done in a prompt and precise fashion. When test results show that you are, indeed the biological father, experienced paternity attorney Robert Montgomery is ready to help protect your full rights as legal father. Our team is prepared to make the complex and nuanced paternity laws palatable and easy to understand. We’ll walk you through the rights and responsibilities you have coming, including visitation and parenting time, custody issues, and child support requirements.
Enlist The Help Of Our Experienced Paternity Law Team
If you are in the process of proving paternity contact us online today. We will help determine if you are the father and inform you of your obligations and rights under the law. You can also call anytime (707) 525-1212.